Friday, December 11, 2009

Crazy Pete

Huntie was required to write a story using this week's spelling words. She, with her dad to help her along, wrote this hilarious story. I wanted to share it with you all.

Crazy Pete
By. HunterEve Voisin

Crazy Pete had lived on many ranches. He never really liked the berries he had to eat.

He was named crazy Pete because he was always making crazy mistakes. Like once, he ate moss and got gas. The whole barn (including his parents) hated him for that.

Another time, he ate the Farmer’s wife’s green dresses because he thought the flowers on them looked tasty.

Once they tried to put him in the circus, but it turned out he was afraid of arrows and babies, So they sent him to be a mining horse, but it turned out he was afraid of caves too.

So this time, they sent Pete to be a racing horse, but they sent him to the wrong track. His first race, he realized, all of the other horses had four tires and engines. At first, he thought he forgot his glasses, but the realized he didn’t wear glasses, only his mom did. Then he thought they were robot horses because they all had batteries.

When the gun shot, instead of running the race, he ran for his life screaming, “Mommy SAVE ME!”

When he won the race, he got his trophy and asked, “What is this for”? The crowd roared with laughter, so Crazy Pete laughed until it was winter, got sick, and sneezed his brains out, put it back in, and went home to finally see him mommy.


leslie said...

Love it, love it, love it!