Monday, November 9, 2009

With Sam at the SAM - and Shani and Isaac :) - and other Seattle Adventures

My first and long-awaited trip to Seattle to meet and love up my new nephew Isaac. He is such a sweet heart and a very lucky baby with Sam and Shannon as his parents. They are doing such a great job. Seattle itself was quite a treat for me - cold weather and beautiful fall colors everywhere!

Our lovely Seattlites Sam and Shanni.

Our first stop - Pike Place. After reading Fish I was super excited to see the Pike's Place Fish market. By the way, they have the most amazing smoked salmon EVER! Seriously.

We ate pizza at the yummiest little Italian cafe and marketplace. Each slice of their pizza had a dollop of fresh and sweet ricotta cheese on top. Wow! Isaac shared his pizza with me. What a sweet boy.

The cheese store. Also Yum!

The French pastry shop - Yum again!

Sam at the SAM - Seattle Art Museum.

Sam and Shani's contra-ban photo in front of Alexander Calder's installation mobile at the SAM. So cool.

We ALL loved sushi at Takishima!

Frozen custard on a freezing dripping cold Seattly night couldn't have been warmer than with Sam and Shani and leetle Isaak.

I got to be that auntie who fed the baby under 1 year ICE CREAM! Ooo, I felt like such a rebel.

Isaac and I have been best buddies ever since.

After church Sunday and checking out Sam and Shannon's beautiful lot for their new home, Shani spent HOURS making a fantabulous Korean meal for me! It was so yummy!! Check out all the dishes she prepared. THANKS SHANI!!

Baby, baby, baby Isaac . . .