Monday, November 10, 2008

Fear not

I recieved the following email from a good friend of mine serving as a counselro in the bshopic in his ward in Los Angeles. I was touched by his account of the persecution he witnesesd follwoing the passing of Prosition 8 in California.

"I hope you will forgive this email for being far longer than any email should ever be, but I feel I should share what I experienced with everyone I can.

"I have been a member of the Church my entire life, but I have never seen anything like today.

"I arrived at church to find all but one gate locked and the building surrounded by Priesthood holders and a few policemen keeping protestors back at a reasonable distance. I pulled up to the open gate but it was blocked by members of the wards that meet in the building and flanked by flamboyantly dressed crowds waving rainbow flags and chanting "Shame on you!" and "Keep your hate out of our state!" A member of the High Council leaned down to look in my window, signaled that he recognized me, and the two Elders blocking the way moved aside so I could drive through. We expected problems at our building in particular, being on the same lot as the Temple, but this was more than I had anticipated.

"Just before our bishopric meeting began, my fellow counselor sent me a text message explaining that he wouldn't be there - the stake president had assigned him and a few others to covertly infiltrate the main crowd in front of the Temple so they could send us text messages warning of the mob's next move as strategies developed. When it was all over, he told me that throughout the day some of the more vindictive protestors had tried to incite the crowd to violence, including occasional cries of "Burn down their Temple." The police were there to protect us, so nothing would have happened, but it's a horrifying thought.

"We had been warned that some were planning to sneak in 'disguised as Mormons' to disrupt our meetings, so we devised our strategy. Since I was conducting Sacrament meeting, I was to immediately dismiss the speaker and begin a congregational hymn while certain predetermined brethren, all over 6 foot 5, escorted the protestor to the door. Fortunately there were no incidents.

"I sat on the stand and looked out at the ward. With joy I realized that we were all there. No one had been frightened off. In quiet moments, we could hear the chants continuing outside but, remarkably, it did not disrupt our meeting.

"I felt the Spirit in a way that I never have before; sweet, calm, and powerful. We were safe. We were in the right place and we were blessed for it. A favorite scripture came to mind accompanied by a profound witness of its truth, even today.

"2 Kings 6:15-17

"And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, and gone forth, behold, an host compassed the city both with horses and chariots. And his servant said unto him, Alas, my master! how shall we do?
"And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.
"And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.

"I think we all left church today with a greater appreciation for what the early Saints experienced - though, obviously, they did not have policeman standing by in case things got out of hand. Before today, I was somewhat discouraged realizing that this is only the beginning of something that will surely spread to other parts of the country and world. Following the Prophet's counsel regarding Prop 8 was not easy for the Saints in California. Our property was vandalized, we were threatened and cursed at, we were called bigots and accused of hatred, friends and even family members turned against us. But after today, I see how opposition can strengthen those who choose the Lord's side. The Spirit we felt today eclipsed the sorrows we have felt in this fight. While I do not invite difficulty, I better understand how such trials ultimately bless us both individually and as a church.

"Good luck to you all in the trials you will surely face as you stand up for what is right where you live. I hope and pray that you will receive the same confirmation as I did today, that the Lord is with us, even when it seems the world is against us.

"Chris Flood"