Friday, October 17, 2008

Punkins in the Pumpkin Patch

Every year we go to the pumpkin patch to pick out some pumpkins. In years past we've foregone the ritual pumpkin carving and just enjoyed the pumpkins the way God intended. This year - we will carve.

Elle has been SO captivated by pumpkins! Every store we go into, picture we see or whatever that suggests pumpkins just draw her in. She LOVES them! So when we found this "Ellie-sized" one she didn't let it go.

We loved having Megan, Quinn, Uncle Jason, Aunt Sally, Aunt "Mamoo" Amy and cousin Dyami at the pumpkin patch this year. We really had way too much fun. We took pictures, ran around, carefully selected pumpkins and spent a good 45 minutes there. During that time we saw about 5 other families come, select pumpkins and rush out of there in less than 2 minutes flat each. We'll just say we knew how to enjoy the expereince ;) - poor pumpkin patch attendants.