Monday, August 18, 2008

Those Pesky Backyard Waterslides

We bought Elle Dora PANTIES today. She peed in the potty and did an AWESOME job. Then she played outside while I got dinner together and came in all wet. I asked her why she was wet and she said "I waterslide in da backyard." Hmmm, a waterslide that smells like urine, in my backyard? Nice try Elle. The diaper went back on and we'll start again tomorrow. Pretty hilarious though. What a story teller.

Poor kid. She's never peed on herself before, sans diaper. I think she really thought she must have somehow made her way down a wet slide somewhere to have ended up wet like that. LOL.


Katie and Co. said...

LOL! What a character! Her vocabulary grows with every post.

Aimee said...

That's hilarious!!!

Bailey picked out Dora panties too!!!